Tattoo Designs

Frog Tattoos Are Fun And Cute Too!

Frog tattoos can represent the brilliance and colour of the natural world.  They may be made with a plain outline, or you can let your imagination run wild with bright, bold colours and more intricate designs.  Frogs can be combined with flowers, vines, water lillies and more.  Poisonous frogs may add something of an edge to these tattoos, and may be used as a symbol of the personality of its wearer - beautiful yet untouchable!

Many of the native Americans consider the frog to be the 'Great Rain Maker'.  With the last snowfall of spring the snowflakes touching the ground would turn into frogs announcing that the salmon would soon arrive.  The frog tattoo is associated with water and the moon which is a symbol of fertility, prosperity and wealth for the coastal tribes in North America. The characteristics naturally possessed by the frogs have made humankind revere these delightful little creatures. Many Native American tribes believe that the frog brings rain and a good number of modern Christians wear a frog symbol due to the acronym Forever Rely On God.

More information and pictures on Frog Tattoos are available here